We are EduDo. Our mission is to provide each human being with an instrument for self-development. We do our best to make our product help as many people as possible. Join us!

Recent researches and trends show that that the effectiveness of the visual format information transmission becomes undoubtful. More than 75% of the information is perceived visually, and it happens unconsciously on the basis of subjective precepts.

EduPic - video-based discussions.jpg

We build our project in order to make a difference. We keep polishing it so as to alter the rules in each sphere. Jump in!

EduDo is a platform with video discussions. We return everything to a comprehensible abstraction of human perception in order to receive and transmit information to each other effectively.

Tasks and experience! :

What we offer you! :

a) fruit and eco-food

b) the tastiest coffee and tea variety

c) the office has the best views in the city